Constitution of Central Advisory Board on Disability

60. (1) Central Sorkar chuan Central Advisory Board on Disability a din tur a ni a, An thuneihna leh hnathawh turte he danin a pek angin a ni ang.

(2) Central Advisory Board ah chuan heng mite hi member an ni tur a ni;

(a) Minister i/c Department of Disability Affairs, Central Government, Chairperson, Ex-officio

(b) Minister of State i/c Department of Disability Affairs, Central Government Vice-Chairperson, ex-officio

(c) Parliament Member 3, LakSabha member 2 leh Rajya Sabha member 1, Member, ex officio

(d) Minister i/c Disability Affairs, State tin atangin, Union Territory a Lt. Governortheuh te, Member, ex officio

(e) Secretary to the Govt of India i/c Ministries or Department of Disability Affairs, Social Justice and Empowement, School Education and Literacy, Higher Education, Women and Child Development, Expenditure, Personnel and Training, Administrative Redorms and Public Gievances, Health and Family Welfare, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Industrial Policy and Promotion, Urban Development, Housing and Unban Povery Alleviation, Science and Technology, Communications and Information Technology, Legal Affairs, Public Enterprises, Youth Affairs and Sports, Road Transport and Highways and Civil Aviation, Members, ex officio.

(f) Secretary, National Institute of Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, Member, ex officio

(g) Chairperson, Rehabilitation Council of India, Member, ex officio

(h) Chairperson, National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities, Member, ex officio

(i) Chairman-cum-Managing Director, National Handicapped Finance Development Corporation, Member, ex officio

(j) Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Artificail Limbs Manufacturing Corporation, Member, ex officio

(k) Chairman, Railway Board, member, ex officio

(l) Director General, Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Member, ex officio

(m) Director, National Council for Education Research and Training, Member, ex officio

(n) Director, National Council for Teacher Education, Member, ex officio

(o) Chairperson, University Grants Commission, Member, ex officio

(p) Chairperson, Medical Council of India, Member, ex officio

(q) Directors of the following Institutes:

(I) National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun

(ii) National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secundrabad

(iii) Pandit Deem Dayal Upadhyay Institute for the Physically Handicapped, New Delhi

(iv) Ali Yavar Jung National Insitute for the Hearing Handicapped, Mumbai

(v) National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped, Kolkata

(vi) National Institute for Rehabilitation Training and Research, Cuttack

(vii) National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disability, Chennai

(viii) National Institute for Mental Health and Sciences, Bangalore

(ix) Indian Sign Languages Research and Training Centre, New Delhi, Members, ex officio

(r) Central Sorkar in a ruat belh theih te –

(i) Mi 5, disabilities leh rehabilitation lama expert te,

(ii) Mi 10, a theih hram chuan Rualbanlo anmahni enkawltu NGO te aiawh turin thlan ni se

Heng mi 10 zingah hian mi 5 chu hmeichhia ni sela, chung zinga 1 % chu S/C emaw S/T ni ngei se.

(iii) Rampum huap a Chambers of Commerce and industry a\angin member 3 tal tel bawk se,

(s) Joint Secretary, Govt of India disability policy lam khawihtu, Member- Secretary, ex officio.

Terms and conditions of Service of members

61. (1) He dan hi a lo him zawk theih nan, clause (r) of sub-section (2) of section 60 in a sawi angin Central Advisory Board member ruat te chu ruat anih ni atanga kum thum chhung atan a ni ang.

Member te hi an hun a tawp hnuah anmahni thlaktu turin an office an zawm hma chuan an chhuahsan thei lovang.

(2) Central Sorkar chuan clause (r) of sub-section (2) of section 60 duh dan anga membera ruat tute pawh an hun tawp hma pawh nise a tul a tih chuan a ban thei anga, ban an nih hma in a chhan leh avang a hriattir hmasa thin tur a ni.

(3) Member tupawh clause (r) of sub-section (2) of section 60 hmanga ruatte chuan englai pawhin kutziakin an banna Central Sorkarah an thehlut thei anga, an bansan tak post chu a ruakah ngaih nghal a ni ang.

(4) Central Advisory Board chuan mithar a ruat leh anga, chumi chuan a hna kalsan hmasatu hun hman tawh kha ring ve nghal ang.

(5) Member tu pawh sub-clause (1) or sub-clause (iii) of clause ® of sub-section (2) of section 60 hmanga ruatte chu ruat nawn leh theih an ni ang.

(6) Member tupawh sub-clause (1) or sub-clause (iii) of clause ® of sub-section (2) of section 60 behchhanna ruatte chuan Central Sorkarin a sawi angin lawmman an la thei ang.


62. (1) Central Advisory Board member a ruat theih loh te chu –

(a) sum leh pai chungchang thu a tlachhe mek emaw leiba tihfel loh nei mek emaw a leibatna te nena buaina tawk mek a nih chuan.

(b) ngaihtuahna fing var lo ti a court in a puan chuan,

(c) thilsual tih vanga hrem mek, Central Sorkar in hre sual nasa tak ni a a ngaih a inrawlh anih chuan.

(d) eng hunah pawh he dan hnuaia thiamloh chang tawh a lo nihin,

(e) Central Sorkar in anihna hmangsual a ngaih leh a hna chhunzawm tlak lova angaih chuan,

(2) Central Sorkar chuan in Member tupawh a ban dawnin a chhan leh avang hriattir hmasa lo chuan thawk leh khatah a ban ngawt thei lovang.

(3) sub-section(1) or sub-section (5) of section 61 in a sawi tawh angin Member tupawh a hna atanga ban tawh chu ruat nawn a theih lovang.

Vacation of seats by Members

63. Central Advisory Board Member tupawh section 62 in member ni tlak lo a ngaih an awm chuan ban theih a ni anga, a seat chu a awlah ngaih nghal a ni ang.

Meetings of the Central Advisory Board on disability

64. Central Advisory Board chu thlaruk chhungin vawi khat tal meeting neiin hna tul bawhzui apiang an enfel tur a ni.

Functions of Central Advisory Board on disability

65. (1) He dan in a sawi angin, Central Advisory Board hi rampum huapa disability chungchanga lu ber leh rawn tur an ni a. Disability ten hma an sawm zelna atana policy siam leh an dikna chanvo humhalh sakte an ngaihtuah tur a ni.

(2) Central Advisory Board chuan dan dang awmsa te ring mai lovin abik takin disability te tan hma an lak dan turte –

(a) Central leh State sorkar te’n disability te tana policy, programme, projects te siam tura thurawn pek,

(b) Rualbanlote harsatna sut kian nan rampum huap policy siam,

(c) Rualbanlote tana hnathawktu Sorkar department leh NGO te hnathawh dan ennawn leh thawkho thei tura ruahmanna siampui,

(d) Rualbanlohna thlentu harsatna te sutkian pui theih nan hetiang lama thawktu khawvel huap a pawl awmte nen a schemes leh programme rampum huap atana duan chhuah,

(e) Rualbanlote hahdam leh hlim taka an chet vel zung zung theih nan leh inthliar hranna awm lova vantlang zinga an nun theihna atana tanlak,

(f) Rualbanlote ngaihsakna dan leh dun, policy leh programme te’n a rahchhuah zirchian leh enzui an ti tur a ni.

(g) thildang Central Sorkar in tul a tihte nen.

State Advisory Board on Disability

66. (1) He danin a phut angin State sorkar zawng zawngin State Advisory Board on disability an nei tur a ni a. Chu chuan he danin tih tur a a tuk leh mawhphurhna te an thawk chhuak tur a ni.

(2) State Advisory Board a member tur te chu-

(a) Minister i/c Disability chungchang changtu Department, Chairperson, ex officio

(b) Minister of State or Deputy Minister i/c Disability chungchang changtu Department, Vice-Chairperson, ex officio

(c) Secretaries to the State Government i/c Departments of Disability Affiars, School Education, Literacy and Higher Education, Women and Child Development, Finance, Personnel and Training, Health and Family Welfare, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Industrial Policy and Promotion, Labour and Employment, Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleciation, Science and Technololy, Public Enterprises, Youth Affairs and Sports, Road Transport and any other Deaprtment, which the State Government considers necessary, Members, ex officio

(d) Member 3 State Legislature atangin, 2 chu Legislative Assembly in an thlan chhuah, 1 chu Legislative Council in a ruat. Legislative Council awm lohna hmun anih chuan member 3 te chu Legislative Assembly in an thlanchhuah te an ni ang. Member, ex officio

(e) State Government in a ruat theih te –

(i) mi 5 hetiang lam kawnga thiambikna nei,

(ii) mi 5 district tin awiawhtu tur, a inchhawk a ruat thin tur an ni.

He clause hnuai a nomination an siam dawn lo anih chuan District Administration remtihna an la hmasa ang.

(iii) Mi 10 a theih hram chuan Rualbanlo ngei NGO leh pawl dang hetiang lama thawkte aiawhin ruat theih a ni.

Heng mi 10 zingah hian mi 5 chu hmeichhia an ni tur a ni a, 1% chu ST/SC atanga ruat tur a ni.

(iv) 3 aia tamlo State Chamber of Commerce and Industry atangin ruat theih a ni.

(f) Officer Joint Secretary aia hniamlo disability chungchang enkawltu department a mi chu Member-Secretary, ex officio atan a ruat tur a ni.

Terms and Conditions of Service of Members

67. (1) State Advisory Board memberte clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section (66) hnuaia ruatte chu kum hnih chhung atan a ni ang.

Member te hi an hun a tawp hnuah anmahni thlaktu turin an office an zawm hma chuan an chhuahsan thei lovang.

(2) State Sorkar chuan clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section (66) duh dan anga member a ruat tute pawh an hun tawp hma pawh nise a tul a tih chuan a ban thei anga, ban an nih hma in a chhan leh avang a hriattir hmasa thin tur a ni.

(3) Member tupawh clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section (66) hmanga ruatte chuan englai pawhin kutziakin an banna State Sorkarah an thehlut thei anga, an bansan tak post chu a ruakah ngaih nghal a ni ang.

(4) State Advisory Board chuan mithar a ruat leh anga, chumi chuan a hna kalsan hmasatu hun hman tawh kha ring ve nghal ang.

(5) Member tu pawh sub-clause (1) or sub-clause (iii) of clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 66 hmanga ruatte chu ruat nawn leh theih an ni ang.

(6) Member tupawh sub-clause (1) or sub-clause (iii) of clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 66 behchhanna ruatte chuan State Sorkarin a sawi angin lawmman an la thei ang.


68. (1) State Advisory Board member a ruat theih loh te chu;

(a) sum leh pai chungchang thu a tlachhe mek emaw leiba tihfel loh nei mek emaw a leibatna te nena buaina tawk mek a nih chuan,

(b) ngaihtuahna fing var lo ti a court in a puan chuan,

(c) thilsual tih vanga hrem mek, State Sorkar in sual nasa tak ni a a ngaih a inrawlh anih chuan,

(d) eng hunah pawh he dan hnuaia thiamloh chang tawh a lo nihin,

(e) State Sorkar in anihna hmangsual a ngaih leh a hna chhunzawm tlak lova angaih chuan,

(2) State Sorkar in Member tupawh a ban dawnin a chhan leh avang hriattir hmasa lo chuan thawk leh khatah a ban ngawt thei lovang,

(3) sub-section(1) or sub-section (5) of section 67 in a sawi tawh angin Member tupawh a hna atanga ban tawh chu ruat nawn a theih loving.

Vacation of seats

69. State Advisory Board Member tupawh section 68 in member ni tlak lo a ngaih an awm chuan ban theih a ni anga, a seat chu a awlah ngaih nghal a ni ang.

Meetings of State Advisory Board on disability

70. State Advisory Board chu thlaruk chhungin vawi khat tal meeting neiin hna tul bawhzui apiang an enfel tur a ni.

Functions of State Advisory Board on Disability

71. (1) He dan in a sawi angin, State Advisory Board hi State huapa disability chungchanga lu ber leh rawn tur an ni a. Disability ten hma an sawm zelna atana policy siam leh an dikna chanvo humhalh sakte an ngaihtuah tur a ni.

(2) dan dang awmsa te ring mai lovin abik takin disability te tan hma an lak dan turte –

(a) State sorkar te’n disability te tana policy, programme, projects te siam tura thurâwn pek.

(b) Rualbanlote harsatna sut kian nan State pum huap policy siam,

(c) Rualbanlote tana hnathawktu State Sorkar department leh NGO te hnathawh dan ennawn leh thawkho thei tura ruahmanna siampui,

(d) Rualbanlohna thlentu harsatna te sutkian pui theih nan hetiang lama thawktu khawvel huap a pawl awmte nen a schemes leh programme State pum huap atana duan chhuah.

(e) Rualbanlote hahdam leh hlim taka an chet vel zung zung theih nan leh inthliar hranna awm lova vantlang zinga an nun theihna atana \anlak.

(f) Rualbanlote ngaihsakna dan leh dun, policy leh programme te’n a rahchhuah zirchian leh enzui an ti tur a ni.

(g) thildang State Sorkar in \ul a tihte nen.

District level Committee on disability

72. State sorkar chuan District level Committee on disability a din tur a ni a, hei hian an thawh tur a Sorkar in bituk hnate an thawk thei ang.

Vacamcies not to invalidate processdings

73. Central, State leh District level Committees on Disability te thil tih leh hnathawh dan te chu chhan leh vang ho lam te te – khawiah emaw hnaruak hnawhkhah loh emaw Board constitution ah thu chiang lo awm avangte in zawh buai fo theih a ni lovang.