National Fund for Persons with Disabilities

86. (1) Fund hranpa National Fund for persons with disabilities tih a awm tur a ni a, hetiang hian-

(a) Fund Rualbanlote tana hman turte chu Charitable Endowment Act, 1890 hnuai atangin heng - vide notification No. S.O. 573 (E), dated the 11th August, 1983 leh Trust Fund for Empowerment of Rualbanlo vide notification No.30-03/2004-DDII, dated the 21st November, 2006 ah te hian a awm.

(b) heng sum zawng zawngte hi banks, corporations, financial institutions kaltlanga hmuh tur ti a Supreme Court in Civil Appeal Nos. 4655 leh 5218 of 2006 dated 16th April, 2004 a a lo rel tawh angin hmuh tur a ni.

(c) heng sum te hi kawng hrang hrang – grants, gifts, donations, benefactions, bequests or transfer hmang a dawn tur a ni.

(d) Central Sorkar atanga grants-in-aid puala sum hmuh pawh a huam ang.

(e) Central Sorkar in kawng dang atanga sum a siamchhuah te pawh.

(2) Heng Fund Rualbanlote puala duan chhuah te hi a hmanna tur dik takah hman tur a rel angin hman tur a ni.

Acounts and audits

87. (1) Central Sorkar chuan sum leh pai record felfai takin a vawng tur a ni a, lakluh leh hman dan annual statement of accounts chu Comptroller and Auditor-General of India thurawn angin a vawng tur a ni.

(2) Heng account te hi Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in tul a tih hunah a audit thin tur a ni a. Heng atana senso zawng zawng chu Comptroller and Auditor-General of India hnenah Fund sum atangin an pe thin tur a ni.

(3) Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in a aiawh tura a ruat chuan audit chungchang thuah chuan dikna, dinhmun leh thuneihna Comptroller and Auditor-General of India in Sorkar sum a audit laia a neih ang chiah kha a nei ang a. A bik takin endikna atana a mamawh thilte – books of accounts, vouchers leh document dangte pechhuak turin thu a pe thei ang.

(4) Comptroller and Auditor –General of India emaw a aiawh a endik tura a ruat te’n audit report an siam chu House of Parliament ah Central Sorkar in a pharh tur a ni.